Organization Description

The Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET) is the umbrella body of the agriculture sector in Kenya. It is the  Agricultures sector Board for Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).

ASNET’s key role is to coordinate agriculture sector actors in Kenya through various mechanisms to engage in policy advocacy and value chain development that promote increased productivity, competitiveness and attracts investments into the agriculture sector.
ASNET endeavors to be the lead entity in advocacy for a competitive and enabling environment for the sector at county, national, regional, continental and global levels. This is envisaged to be achieved through strong partnerships with National & County Governments and development partners and other stakeholders to revolutionize the agriculture sector leading to growth, inclusive wealth and ultimately the creation of jobs.
ASNET draws its membership from business associations across all value chains in the agriculture sector, corporates, MSMEs, development partners, academia & research institutions, NGOs, Finance institutions and Cooperatives

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